Saturday 20 April 2013

What I would do without Google?

Ever since I first started surfing on the World Wide Web and was introduced to I was hooked. And, like with friendships, you play with other people, in this case search engines, you always return to that one friend that you know is going to play nice with you, no offense to other friends electronic or otherwise :) 

So began my introduction to Google and here are a few things I have learned about my 'Google-ing'.

1. Just like in friendship when you have a friend for a really long time you begin to understand their nuances, the things that make them who they are and how they operate, as well as their moods and the way they speak. So one of the first things I learned, and am still learning as per my post for finding a publisher, is that my friend Google, speaks a language all his/her or's...own rather. The language use is different, polite conversation is completely ignored if not redundant, and all it wants is precise language as if speaking improper English. Sort of like saying...I go there,  I sit here, I eat that! Ps...that's how my little girl talks too, cute isn't it?

2. Next was the mood angle, sometimes Google was friendly, and sometimes not, I think that mostly had to do with what computer I was using too, but anyway, sometimes my friend talked quickly, concisely and to the point...and other times was really sloooooowwww and vague and pushed me in the wrong direction. And then I had to be firm and rephrased my search words and was all like Noooooo I do no want to do what you are telling me I want to do what I want and you can't push me into going somewhere I don't want to go ;) Firmness established I had to show it who was the boss o' me :D

Thirdly and lastly...for now...was the friendship angle, and just like a good friend, it's always around to help...when it was job hunting, or researching for assignments or hairstyles, or for more fun stuff like celebrity photos and present ideas for kiddies and even for the serious stuff like wording for business plans or marketing strategies and the like. 

Even poor Hubby blessed with an incredibly inquisitive wifey and asked several hard hitting questions throughout his day, the likes of....'they are fixing the road, why do you think they put those wooden poles in the ground, what are they for and why do they need them if they keep falling down?' Serious questions you know, the kind you never expect but inevitably rise out of the blue.  And in his matter-of-fact and highly serious voice he says...'WHY DON'T YOU GOOGLE IT!'  He once told me...'ask your friend Google!' And I laughed and said, 'you know what...I think I will, after all Google has several degrees, several PhD's, countless number of workers all backing it and jussssst waiting for me to hit that search button and they will all start running around to find out stuff for me, like what present I can get for a sweet toddler who is turning two...!' 

Google earned it's degrees...*sigh* what I would do without Google... :P

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