This time every year happens to be a really important time to this time is actually frantic fanatic crazy-eyed shopping time. But! This year I thought to myself, '...stay calm, and shop sensibly. What does he need? What does he want? And before you buy it, think about the affordability of it all.'
For instance, he is really into photography, but a gorgeous camera I can't get right now. And next would be jewelry of some kind, also a no-no. So what are my options you ask?
Welllll....I went into the store with a really crazy-eyed look, I looked to the left, I looked to the right. I bee-lined frantically for the pajamas with all the little hearts all over them annnddddd.....bee-lined straight away from them! Can't be a fanatic and buy the same thing three years running, now can I?
What to do, what to DO?
...So I came home, sat down at the computer and called my old buddy, old pal. Mr. Google and typed 'Valentines Day gift ideas for men!' so Original I am!
The Hunt Continues...