Wednesday, 8 May 2013

The forgotten wave.

I have what one might call 'over exuberant moments' where feeling quite excited at seeing someone I know, maybe in a place I have never been to, I give somewhat an exuberant wave of 'hello'! And it has occurred many a time, probably too many to count, that sometimes this mad waving doesn't elicit almost the same amount of enthusiasm from whoever I am greeting. So I have ways of excusing this faux pas that seem to be committed and some times they hold water and sometimes it's just a showering going on :)

Case in point, we were at a fair over the weekend and I saw a family that I knew vaguely surrounding one of the rides as both our kiddies were on... Anyway so the lady is like staring at me not casually mind you, but the kind that makes you think there's something gross on your face, but there I was and I locked gazes with her, so what was I supposed to do but say hello, justifiable, right? Anyway so I am like...'hi, how are you?' with my previously mentioned 'exuberant wave' and ma'am looks right through me...and stares straight at me...go here are some of my 'letting-off-the-hook' reasons I came up with to understand this socially awkward situation...

1. Maybe...she didn't see me? Ok...that coulda happened...if I was maybe standing anywhere else but directly in front of her. So a stunned me just turned around and went someplace else...oops not the right time to greet just then :D Shouldna dunnit!

2. Second excuse was maybe she thought I was greeting someone behind her. And for a teensy moment I was thinking maybe I should continue talking to this imaginary person behind her...'fine thanks, ok see you around' and then turn quickly and walk away! Only...the thought occurred that she might just swing around and look for whoever I was supposed to be greeting and cause some more awkwardness, for lack of a more dignified term:)

3. Orrrr....maybe....cause of my tinted glasses! Maybe my glasses were so dark she really didn't see me looking at her and therefore greeting her...holds water...right? Please be saying 'right!' And not riiii..iiii...ght :( am so mad at me. Exuberance schmoooberance!

4. Maybe she just plain doesn't like me :( or.... :) maybe it's cos she doesn't know me!

Yup!..maybeeee...she just doesn't know me and so she doesn't want to talk to strangers!!!

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