Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Movie repertoire.

You know you are a true movie connoisseur when you actually can recall the movie score while traipsing thru the mall and recognizing the songs playing over the radio from various movie tracks and you just know which part of the movie its actually from. Now that is when you know you are truly a movie buff. So here is the comprehensive list of movie viewing that gives me, myself and I, the well-fitting cap of a true connoisseur which amounts to a few hundred views per month if not thousands over say the past five years! 

Winnie the Pooh...watched that since we bought it when it came out at the ardent and sometimes tearful requests of little people a good 200 times, told ya I was a connoisseur : and you doubted me... :(

Then I have watched Ice Age 1 and Ice Age 2 and Ice Age 3 and Ice Age 4 also about 200 hundred times each and if there ever happens to be an Ice Age 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 I'd probly be 
at 1000 by then :D 

Ahhh yes and I must definitely not forget about Madagascar too...yup it makes the cut it does at just under 200 views. And I can personally write down all the words for 'I like to move it, move it' ALL BY MYSELF! 

Then we have Cars and Toy Story, and if it wasn't for Mater making me chuckle I definitely would not have made it through the +- 300 times I have watched that. Some adult going...'who's Mater?' Don't you worry Sir, Ma'am your time shall surely come... :) I not only know them I know their girlfriends, best friends and sometimes even parents and relatives too... Heh heh.

And to crown this list of all the movies is your and my favorite...Robots. Cute, clinky and just so Robotty they too make the cut or maybe top the cut at approximately 400 views. 

Now we might just be thinking, where on earth does all this time come from that she has to just sit and watch movies with the little people. Welllll......Okayyyyyy...for a slight writers license I would have to borrow that elusive tool of exaggeration today but its soooo true that I have watched some movies people and lotsa times too...

You know how I know is because...every time we have to watch said movies the inward groan does Not present itself, AT ALL. Can you just believe that! is honestly nowhere in sight...and the reason being this...after the first couple hundred and the repetitive action of watching them over and over with the rapt attentions from the little people...I noticed that most often I was redundant! Which gave moi certain stolen moments to kick back and sip at lovely steamy, frothy, creamy coffee munching whatever tidbit they were munching and chilllaxed! I had gotten clever...and unfortunately it does take the 100 times or more for me before I realized it...okay so maybe not toooo clever. :(

Ice Age...BRING  it on...! :D

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