Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Ear-piercing, ground-shaking jubilant scream.

Have you ever answered the phone and was rewarded with an ear-piercing, ground-shaking, window-shattering, milk-curdling, hair-curling jubilant scream. The kind when you know it's not anything bad but bad for you because hearing will only restore in that particular ear after hours if not days. Welllll....that is what poor Hubby got on one distractedly fine day. The reason for the joy was because I had applied to a website to join the writers team and was accepted...ergo my ecstatic call to Hubby, and on his gentle "Hello?" I LET LOOSE! 

Anyway what happened was, I had emailed my details, awaited the reply email and got the  acceptance email and that was that. I only wanted to share the news once I knew what the results were and after I received the acceptance and called him I was just about ready to burst with rainbows and stars and glitter and...and...all things nice!

So there I was just letting the scream permeate the cellular network ready to bust at the seams and explained further by letting him know the process of the emails going between us and how I was accepted and then I let go with another spine-stiffening, dog-howling scream. And then I panted and waited for him to join in the happiness...and dear Hubby was like..."Oh...I saw the emails and did you see the most recent one?" He asks. And I am like 'pffftt...yes I did! Which one was that again?" 

Hubby was a leg up on me...because he had seen the most recent, recent email where the editor had seen this blog and mentioned it. So there we go...

And now writing for this blog I have included it here, it is of a more serious note that I have written beyond this blog. It is a news website on www.newsblaze.com and the story I wrote is on the following link http://newsblaze.com/story/20130430074917gege.nb/topstory.html

Please let me know if there are at all any comments, I would sincerely love to hear them. Once again...Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhieeeeee!

Saturday, 20 April 2013

What I would do without Google?

Ever since I first started surfing on the World Wide Web and was introduced to Google.com I was hooked. And, like with friendships, you play with other people, in this case search engines, you always return to that one friend that you know is going to play nice with you, no offense to other friends electronic or otherwise :) 

So began my introduction to Google and here are a few things I have learned about my 'Google-ing'.

1. Just like in friendship when you have a friend for a really long time you begin to understand their nuances, the things that make them who they are and how they operate, as well as their moods and the way they speak. So one of the first things I learned, and am still learning as per my post for finding a publisher, is that my friend Google, speaks a language all his/her or errrr...it's...own rather. The language use is different, polite conversation is completely ignored if not redundant, and all it wants is precise language as if speaking improper English. Sort of like saying...I go there,  I sit here, I eat that! Ps...that's how my little girl talks too, cute isn't it?

2. Next was the mood angle, sometimes Google was friendly, and sometimes not, I think that mostly had to do with what computer I was using too, but anyway, sometimes my friend talked quickly, concisely and to the point...and other times was really sloooooowwww and vague and pushed me in the wrong direction. And then I had to be firm and rephrased my search words and was all like Noooooo I do no want to do what you are telling me I want to do what I want and you can't push me into going somewhere I don't want to go ;) Firmness established I had to show it who was the boss o' me :D

Thirdly and lastly...for now...was the friendship angle, and just like a good friend, it's always around to help...when it was job hunting, or researching for assignments or hairstyles, or for more fun stuff like celebrity photos and present ideas for kiddies and even for the serious stuff like wording for business plans or marketing strategies and the like. 

Even poor Hubby blessed with an incredibly inquisitive wifey and asked several hard hitting questions throughout his day, the likes of....'they are fixing the road, why do you think they put those wooden poles in the ground, what are they for and why do they need them if they keep falling down?' Serious questions you know, the kind you never expect but inevitably rise out of the blue.  And in his matter-of-fact and highly serious voice he says...'WHY DON'T YOU GOOGLE IT!'  He once told me...'ask your friend Google!' And I laughed and said, 'you know what...I think I will, after all Google has several degrees, several PhD's, countless number of workers all backing it and jussssst waiting for me to hit that search button and they will all start running around to find out stuff for me, like what present I can get for a sweet toddler who is turning two...!' 

Google earned it's degrees...*sigh* what I would do without Google... :P

Saturday, 13 April 2013

The Hunt for the perfect Lip Gloss

What defines a lady's face more than her lips. If my face is done up really nice and there is absolutely nothing on my lips....I look like I just walked in from the desert where I had been lost for a number of days. Needless to say  I NEED some product for my lips. So for years I was hooked on this gorgeous Yardley Lipstick that was a sort of nude sort of glossy sort of a plummy color that was actually working together with my skin tone and not battling it, but anyway it was soooo doing the trick for me and I used to get a lot of compliments from the ladies on the color...Golden Spice it was. Yes...lovely lipstick. But then....I spotted a lady who coated her lipstick with this really lovely clear Lip Gloss and I found out they call them 'plumpers' pretty name for a Lip Gloss, asking a lot from it I thought, but it really does that, so if you have really plumpy lips...like mine, moderation is key otherwise you have all sorts of leakage going on then it looks like either you have botoxed or kissed a blowfish, oh yes unfortunately been there done that, saw my reflection and went directly back to the desert for a while :D

So a-hunting I went. Next I started using colour lip glosses and tried several chain store ones including the Avon Lip Glosses that I used for a while. Then I moved onto the Revlon Charlie Range but unfortunately that too I abandoned. You see there was a desired list of criteria that I had developed while chopping and changing between these products, and even though for a while they sufficed, after some time using them began to see more of their flaws in my case and here is what I was looking for.

First and foremost was 'stickability' which meant that when I applied I didn't want it disappearing on me after one smack of the lips or one sip of coffee and it was all over the cup and not on my lips. Secondly was 'non gooey-ness' which meant that although I wanted a long lasting Gloss I did not want something where you parted you lips and it looked like I was really in the desert for all the stringy-ness. Yes, it's not at all pretty. Then was color, now the plumper is perfect if your lips are even toned or over a lipstick but on its own I needed a color that would suit me and I wanted nude because I am really loving the smokey eye right now. And that was the real challenge...finding the perfect colour with all the above-mentioned attributes.

So now have figured out that what some do is apply their concealer and go over their lips and apply Gloss over them for that even colored look. But right now, in my hunt, I have found a lovely Gloss from Clinique called Long Lasting Lip Gloss, it's got a lovely texture, lovely moisturizer and it also comes in the perfect nude shade for me... :)

One major thing I learned though is that for all it's stickability to my lips, when I kiss Hubby good-bye, it's just as tenacious on his lips...so now if I want the goodbye kiss where there is no scrubbing and scouring going on for poor Hubby's lips, can't let the lovely man suffer so, it's first desert time, then gloss time. But that I think I might just prefer for then ;D 

Right now I am stuck on Clinique but who knows...the hunt may continue!

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Bling Bling Nails.

Isn't it strange that when you have a really gorgeous outfit on and the heels to match, every hair in place and you still feel like you are lacking something...kind of like if you have one earring on or forgot to brush your hair or didn't put on any lipgloss, so love it more than lipstick...at the moment (just saying) :D but it's that moment when you are double checking everything and you can't put your finger on what's missing until you have to wave your hands around and the nails catch the sunlight juuuust so and every little bitty crack and unevenness is revealed. Aha! (lightbulb mo) it's the nails or should I say lack thereof...cos mine are shorter than short. And if you are moving among ladies that have the sense to take a few hours and get that elusive but lovely object called a manicure...yippee Kai yay! But if not...then begins my meager attempts to attract as litttttle attention as possible to the little guys. Like...offering money to the teller between my knuckles, HOW COOL AM I?! Or folding, my hands in my lap, because I am just sooo proper,yes I am...!

So I got to thinking that this hide-away scheme of mine doesn't always work and I was now wondering what could be done in a real hurry to get them looking fab. Well aside from getting a proper set of gel overlays or acrylic nails done. I decided that since my available time is mainly at night...I was gonna do my own nails. So armed with an acrylic brush and all the goodies hubby supplied for me...he's just lovely yes?...I proceeded to educate myself with doing my own acrylic nails. I googled every possible wording to find out 'how to' and then came the practicals...needless to say my first set was outright depressing. They looked like they had been dipped in candlewax and then began the laborious task of getting said candle wax off. Not a good time had by yours truly :( but through persistence, courage, ambition, a go-getting attitude and most important of all the absolute desperation that if I do not get this right the kiddies are going to get terrified at the sight of Mummy's mangled nails plus I'd probably scratch a little person with what I had on...I just had to persevere. And persevering it surely was because it took immense trial and error to get them looking salon quality...of course this could all have been avoided should I have just done a course or two but anyway I managed to DIY it through after mostly a few years.

And now if there is a serious function taking place where Madames nails need to be just right...I go down to the pharmacy and no matter what Brittany from 'The Chipmunks - Chipwrecked' says I just march down that aisle and go get me a pack of press-on nails that look just like a gorgeous French manicure with diamanté to boot and I slap on those bad boys and in half an hour can flip and wave with the best of them. Ps...they really work too, done well enough they last quite long and nobody is any the wiser...shhh....! My quick fix solution :)

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Finding a Publisher

Sooooo we have written a children's story and I say we because our little four year old gave me the idea for the book, anyway, so now I am trying to find a publisher and I thought it would be kind of like I write the story, I draw a few illustrations, I print it and post it off to various publishers, I hear back from one of them with an offer and Bob's your Uncle! Right! So where do I start? By Google of course. So I google AUTHOR SEEKING PUBLISHER'. and got lotsa stuff there but nothing concrete for me so then I google PUBLISHER SEEKING AUTHOR'. Doesn't get me anywhere fast. So now I try CHILDREN'S PUBLISHER SEEKING AUTHORS. Nope. Okay I shall not be out googled...next was CHILDREN'S PUBLISHER SEEKING MANUSCRIPTS' getting somewhere oh yessss! And then decided to be very intelligent :) and tried 'CHILDREN PUBLISHER SEEKING UNSOLICITED   MANUSCRIPTS' Because did you know that if a publisher did not inform you to write a certain book it is called 'unsolicited' and therefore you are a renegade writer sort of....Wow! Gots to get to that point where they are asking for me to write a book, definitely could do thaaaat! :D And in all this googl-ing I am learnig bit by bit more keywords to use from the world of publishing! Okay so then what happens is I found out that Publishers do not like to take manuscripts from authors but work through an agent. Right, google-ing AGENTS SEEKING / WANTING AUTHORS And then AGENT SEEKING / WANTING UNSOLICITED CHILDREN'S MANUSCRIPTS. And then I found out that agents are not so interested in first time publishers unless you have already at least published one other manuscript and it can't be self published either. So....here sits I with this dilemma...and  an idea pops back in my head. So I google AUTHOR SEEKING PUBLISHER.....!

By the way after several google hunts I managed to find some publishers that will accept  an 'UNSOLICITED MANUSCRIPT' and am so eager to get to mailing...post office here I come! Btw LOTSA articles about how to use search engines, in my case google, for publishers..! :p

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

The offending piece of heavy duty equipment:D

My high heels

High heels are one item that are always guaranteed to make one look sophisticated, stylish, gorgeous and in my case masterfully taller. Always a plus if your younger sister is a couple of inches taller than  you. Smile Clare:) Anyway...so lovely Hubby just bought me a smashing pair of high heels in sort of a patent leather finish...just so prettttty! And I decided that to walk around in these things was going to take a bit of finesse so I thought that a practice run around the house couldn't hurt much. Hi Hubby! Don't mind me, just traipsing around the kitchen in my patent high heels with worn out faded pajamas on, sporting a hairdo that looks like something resembling a lovely bird's nest I believe! ;D So I am getting pretty attached to said shoes and marveling at the way they look...and a thought pops in my head of me running after a bouncy four year and two year old respectively. I am calmly thinking...could I dash after said little ones at the drop of a coin, and I am like...'Definitely couuulld!' Could I cross the street in these fashion statement 'I am not left' behind shoes holding firmly onto strong little hands just waiting to break free....'For sure!' And then...I had to leave the generously carpeted area of the house for that ever elusive tiled area of the wonderful, easy to clean, tiled kitchen floor...and what do you think happened? Yupp...btw...did you know as a point of interest walking on a carpeted floor in high heeled shoes is vastly different than walking on a tiled surface? And there behold came the final chop and that is that these admirable pair of shoes with their no grip soles and heels, because of course they wouldn't be really grippy shoes, they were not invented for hiking various kinds of  terrains or designed to withstand all kinds of weather conditions and all sort of animal life trying to bite brought your shoes like a pair of hiking boots, so intelligently noted that  'hey....these feel abit dangerous on a tiled floor!' so a cautious strut and a quick look in the microwave door reflection reveals what I am ashamed to say, when a crouch like stance and a toe gripping is going on just so one can maneuver around on the tiles without slipping occurs it so looks like I can't walk in these fashion stalwarts, so back straight, head high I come to hinting of a solution...and what comes to mind is a lovely tape they put on slippery tiles at the mall so shoppers don't slip on the dangerously glossy tiles, and no...ahem...I was not thinking of hiring a construction crew to regally walk before me everywhere I go just to place a walkway of taped tiles before me as the proverbial red carpet, but that would be nice, no, ahem , I was thinking of hunting down a roll of this MAGNIFICENT tape and shedding both my soles and the heels of my hubby-bought-patent-looking-just-lovely heels and here's hoping that that will help me strut my stuff. PS. If you see me strutting, please act like you never read this and just admire my pretty shoes and totally ignore how this wearer walks in them. Here's to happy hunting for that ground-breaking-trail -blazing tape! :D